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37. | Flavio | Flavio is the story about an Italian goat who someday plans on being a great inventor like his hero Leonardo DaVinci. For now he'll have to be happy with the dishwasher he is at least until Fate steps in!Flavio arrives at work one morning to find he's locked out and because he needs to get in and wash the dishes so his boss won't yell at him, he breaks in using an invention he just created called Plunger Saw to cut the glass for him.Once inside Flavio tells of his great plan to be a successful inventor someday like his hero Leonardo DaVinci and shows us his latest invention pasta on a stick. Once he's pitched the idea to us he suddenly hates it and tosses it saying that he pukes better inventions than it. His friend and co-worker Mr. Frank comes in for work and remarks that a bird just pooped on his head and who doesn't know what to do. Luckily Flavio has invented the Anti-Bird Spammer which will protect you from the Bird Spam that falls out of the sky! Mr Frank wants one! Flavio demonstrates it but it malfunctions and breaks.Mr. Frank wants one any way to which Flavio uses his catch phrase "I gonna putta you onna Good Guy List!"Suddenly Flavio's boss, Bossman is furious and wants to know who broke the front door again and did Flavio invent his way in again?Not to be deterred Flavio remarks that if the Boss would just trust him with a key then he wouldn't have to break in every day. The Bossman shrugs and comments that trust needs to be earned.Flavio longs for the ability to spend time working on his inventions instead of washing dirty dishes all day and invents the Washinator to allow him to wash the giant teetering pile of dishes looming in from of him. Suddenly Bossman comes running in out of breath with the news that the restaurant has been picked to cater Mayor Fredenethyl's Marathon fund raiser and after a bit of arguing tells Flavio that if he wants to earn Bossman's trust he should invent his way out of this predicament. Flavio freaks out not knowing what to do. This is his big change to prove himself but he's not ready! "Ideas take time!" he yells. He passes out and is visited by Leonardo DaVinci himself who talks him down and tells him he already has the answer he seeks. Flavio thinks about it and he indeed has the answer.We cut to the Marathon in progress and reveal that Flavio has indeed found the answer. His Pasta on A Stick has saved the day!Bossman think Flavio's saved the day and gives him a gift as a thank you. I't s the key to the restaurant! Flavio is ecstatic! "You trusta me now!" he exclaims. Flavio decides to do the impossible and put Bossman on The Good Guy List and even tops it off in true Italian form by giving Bossman a kiss. Bossman isn't too pleased with this and falls to the floor trying to get away. As we fade out we hear Flavio exclaim that "Well this may not be straight to the top but it's a good start!" více |
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